Aluminium Fins Coating
Aluminium coil corrosion is an expensive problem in the HVAC industry, leading to coil replacement or entire system replacement. Corrosion results in failure, and is responsible for about 40% of equipment failures in industrial applications.
It’s been observed that lot of people are shifting from copper coil to aluminium coils just to protect their AC frequent gas leak issues.
But, whether shifting from copper to aluminium would safe guard your AC?. It may safe guard your AC for some time but when replacement is needed then the only option is to replace the entire coil as repair is not possible in aluminium coils.
Our Aluminium Fins coating would safeguard and protect the system from corrosion. Just mix and spray to protect your coils. Available in 400 ML & 1000 ML pack.

400 ML = Rs.2691.00 Including Taxes
MRP Rs.3038.00
(Delivery Extra)

1000 ML = Rs.5746.00 Including Taxes
MRP Rs.7425.00
(Delivery Extra)
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